The Tomato Soup was fast and fun to create. I took the whole vine ripened tomatoes, cut an "x" into the bottoms of each, and roasted for 25 minutes at 375 degreees with olive oil, rosemary, thyme, black pepper. Once you remove them from the oven, you peel away the skin off of each tomato, (which comes off like a prom dress). The skinned roasted tomatoes were then pureed in my Cuisinart along with some crushed red pepper - as the season is predominantly Vata, and we can all use a little heat. This mixture went into a large saucepan which already contained chopped red onion, tarragon, marjoram, fresh finely sliced basil, some nutmeg, tamari, sauteed in olive oil, 5 cups of vegetable stock and 1 large colander full of washed whole spinach.
The whole thing comes together beautifully, the spinach wilts down, just a bit. The nutmeg harmonizes with the fresh basil and voila - you'll have this amazing, cleansing soup.
I've already got the chapati dough shaped and ready to roll out, the black eye bean curry, berry compote and all natural peanut butter cups will all be prepared tomorrow. I hope that the crowd will enjoy the food; I am also giving out some recipe cards, along with sachets of tri-doshic chai which can be brewed up at home.