Monday, November 19, 2007

Pomegranates, Plumbing & Pearl Onions

I just sliced open this beautiful juicy pomegranate on my kitchen counter. Sitting there all seductive and full, the fruit was calling out to me. After posting this, I plan to sit and enjoy a few spoonfuls of these garnet colored seeds.

My day involved making a batch of Italian chicken cutlets to serve 4 hungry men. I decided to add some veg. & sauteed some crunchy green beans with a bit of olive oil and elephant garlic. Last minute, the bag of walnuts beckoned, and so I scattered some on top of a platter of spring mix greens. Topped off with raspberry balsamic, black pepper and again some olive oil the salad was just right. The house is under construction - today was day 2 of the "roughing in" with the upstairs plumbing. The guys definitely seemed ready for second shift after that lunch.

I woke up today and made fresh orange juice & my chocolate chip banana vegan muffins. The cinnamon scent along with the warmth from the oven gave me a chance to embrace a New England morning in the Fall; no shorts and flip-flops today. However, I was totally happy in my nice warm boots and jeans running out to the market to scavenge for pearl onions, which by the way were all sold-out...will have to try the other place in Mystic. There is a large turkey thawing in my refrigerator, and lots of fixings are scattered throughout the kitchen. As I have mentioned, I am really into the holidays this year. My copy of Martha Stewart Living is spread out in the living room, and I am tempted to make the gingerbread townhouse cookies in the December issue (peraps a vegan version - if possible). Pomegranates, Pearl Onions & Plumbing, that's all.

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